24 research outputs found

    Modelling of the Creative Economy Sustainable Development

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    The object of the research carried out for the purpose of the dissertation is modelling of the sustainable development of creative economy as a new economy archetype in the context of globalization. The objective of the dissertation is to offer quantitative analysis-based modelling of the sustainable development of creative economy using an investment portfolio as an efficient resource allocation tool. To achieve the aim and to implement chosen tasks a research of the creative industries context is carried out. Under the conditions of globalization the mechanisms of sustainable development of creative economy are one of the most innovative and least researched objects, which is now becoming the center of attraction for the practical application of emerging holistic knowledge. The underlying idea of the research carried out within the framework of the dissertation is to investigate the paradigm of sustainable development taking account of the challenges of globalization and the trends in the development of creative economy in Lithuania and throughout the world. The process of the formation of sustainable development model creates a need to identify the appropriate methods for the implementation of the objective. Methodology is based on quantitative analysis for the sustainable development of creative economy using an investment portfolio as an efficient resource allocation tool. The dissertation consists of the Introduction, three Chapters, General conclusions, References, and the list of the author’s publications on the topic of the dissertation, 5 Annexes. The Foreword reveals the relevance of the problem, formulates the objective, tasks of the dissertation, and highlights the scientific and practical novelty of the work. The first Chapter presents the theoretical meta-analysis of the creative economy, presents the concept of creativity phenomenon, highlights the relevant creative economy theories. The second Chapter is dedicated to insights into the models of the structure and the development of creative economy in the context of the general economy and creative industries within European and World context; sustainable development criteria is analyzed and creative economy sustainable development model concluded. The third Chapter presents the proposed solutions for the sustainable development of the creative economy using an investment portfolio as an efficient resource allocation tool and approved based on Lithuania’s example. General conclusions are summarized at the end of the dissertation. 10 research articles have been published on the basis of the present dissertation. One article was published in the ISI Web of Science scientific journal, one in ISI Proceedings, six in peer-reviewed Lithuanian scientific journals, one in peer-reviewed foreign scientific journals, and one in the peer-reviewed material of a national conference. The course of the results of the dissertation were presented at four international scientific conferences, 8 national scientific conferences, 3 round table academic discussions, and 4 scientific seminars of doctoral students

    Interlinks of cultural and creative economies through creative products and services

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    The paper focuses on contemporary creative cultural economy concepts and presents formation background and confrontational points of view discussed by variety of authors. The scope of the creative economy is determined by creative industries exponent. If culture is perceptible in the anthropological or functional sense, one might use the concept of the cultural product. An alternative definition of creative products and services originates from a created value type: one might say these products and services, no matter what commercial value they would obtain, together hold a cultural value which financially cannot be evaluated to the final point. It means different types of cultural activities and products or services produced are evaluated both by producers and consumers due to social and cultural reasons which add or exceed purely economic evaluation. For example, aesthetical value or community identity is hardly measured and interspersed into traditional evaluation characteristics. Cultural value is designated and is perceived as an observed characteristic whereas cultural products and services could be equalized with other product types. Article in English. Kūltūros ir kūrybos ekonomikų sąsajos per kūrybinius produktus ir paslaugas Santrauka. Straipsnyje pateikiamos šiuolaikinės kultūros ir kūrybos ekonomikos koncepcijos, nurodomos susiformavimo prielaidos ir konfrontuojantys autorių požiūriai. Kūrybos ekonomikos apimtys nustatomos pagal kūrybinių industrijų rodiklius. Kai pati kultūra suprantama antropologine arba funkcine prasme, galima vartoti kultūrinių produktų sąvoką. Alternatyvus arba papildomas kultūrinių produktų ir paslaugų apibrėžimas kyla iš jų įkūnijamo arba kuriamo vertės tipo, t. y. galima sakyti, kad šie produktai ir paslaugos, kad ir kokią komercinę vertę įgytų, papildomai turi kultūrinę vertę, kurios neįmanoma iki galo įvertinti pinigais. Kitaip tariant, įvairių rūšių kultūrinė veikla ir ją vykdant sukurtos prekės ir paslaugos yra vertinamos – ir jos gamintojų, ir jos vartotojų – dėl socialinių ir kultūrinių priežasčių, kurios tikriausiai papildo ar viršija grynai ekonominį įvertinimą. Tai gali būti estetiniai svarstymai arba veiklos įnašas į bendruomenės kultūrinės tapatybės supratimą. Jei taptų įmanoma nustatyti tokią kultūrinę vertę, ja būtų galima pasinaudoti kaip stebima charakteristika, kurią taikant išskirti kultūriniai produktai ir paslaugos būtų lyginamos su kitais produktų tipais. Raktiniai žodžiai: kūrybos ekonomika; kultūros ekonomika; kūrybinės industrijos; kultūrinės industrijos; kūrybiniai produktai; kūrybinės paslaugo

    City festival - a traditional cultural expression of the creative industries (the case of International Contemporary Dance Festival “New Baltic Dance”) /

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    The article is based on theoretical overview on the subject of festival with its focus on special occasion having some unique aspect which is important to both the organizers and visitors of the festival. Second part of the article represents a case of International Contemporary Dance Festival. City festival is a traditional cultural expression of the creative industries. Creative city more rapidly develops through festival activities – creative cities use their creative potential in various ways: cultural activities, expressions, experiences, involvement of city inhabitants and visitors, presentation of city cultural heritage assets. A case study presented in the article is based on quantitative survey conducted during International Contemporary Dance Festival “New Baltic Dance” which took part in Vilnius 4–9 May 2010. Survey is designed for five key factors: choosing the festival, frequency of festival visits in Vilnius, transportation type visitors have arrived to the festival, channel visitors have found information about the festival, expenses during the festival period (including entrance ticket, overnight if needed, etc.), and each variable correlation between age, gender and education. Survey also includes fact-finding questions as destination festival visitors have arrived from and if festival visitors have used hotel services. While comparing goals of festival organizers and survey results, a conclusion is made that “New Baltic Dance” is a part of Vilnius city creative industries, meeting aims of the capital city and also of other Lithuanian cities and peripheries, attracting university graduates who have high demand for contemporary culture expressions and interest in contemporary dance process. On the other hand, festival visitors almost have no direct demand for better city tourism infrastructure and their economic input to the city development is very low. Santrauka Straipsnyje pristatoma miesto festivalių kaip tradicinės kultūrinės kūrybinių industrijų raiškos koncepcija. Teorinė dalis grindžiama festivalio objekto analize, festivalio kilmės, poveikio, unikalumo ir svarbos bendruomenės nariams, miesto, šalies gyventojams ir svečiams apžvalga. Antroji straipsnio dalis skirta tarptautinio šiuolaikinio šokio festivalio ”Naujasis Baltijos šokis“ atvejo analizei. Kaip manoma, kūrybinis miestas kur kas greičiau plėtojasi per festivalių veiklas – kūrybiniai miestai naudoja savo kūrybinį potencialą įvairiausiais būdais: plėtodamos kultūrines veiklas, ekspresiją, patirtis, įtraukdamos miestelėnus ir miesto svečius, pristatydamos miesto paveldą. Straipsnyje pristatomas atvejis yra kiekybinio tyrimo fragmentas, atliktas tarptautinio šiuolaikinio šokio festivalio ”Naujasis Baltijos šokis“ metu 2010 m. gegužės 4–9 d. Tyrimą grindžia šie pagrindiniai veiksniai: priežastys, lėmusios tiriamojo festivalio pasirinkimą; apsilankymo Vilniuje organizuojamuose festivaliuose dažnis; būdas, kaip žiūrovai pasiekė festivalį; kanalas, per kurį žiūrovai sužinojo apie festivalį; išlaidos, kurias patyrė festivalio žiūrovai (įskaitant bilietus į renginius, nakvynės mokesčius ir kt.). Tirta kiekvieno kintamojo koreliacija su sociodemografiniais rodikliais – amžiumi, lytimi ir išsilavinimu. Į tyrimą taip pat buvo įtraukti klausimai apie miestą, iš kurio atvyko žiūrovai, ir ar buvo pasinaudota viešbučių paslaugomis festivalio metu. Lyginant festivalio ”Naujasis Baltijos šokis“ organizatorių siekius ir tyrimo rezultatus, darytina išvada, kad šis festivalis yra Vilniaus miesto kūrybinių industrijų dalis, jis atitinka sostinės ir šalies periferijos kultūros gyvenimo poreikius, pritraukia aukštą jį išsilavinimą turinčią auditoriją, siekiančią pažinti ir patirti šiuolaikinės kultūros išraiškas, besidominčią šiuolaikinio šokio procesu. Kita vertus, tiriamo festivalio žiūrovai neformuoja poreikio geresnei miesto infrastruktūrai plėtotis ir daro mažą indėlį į miesto ekonomikos augimą. Reikšminiai žodžiai: miestas, šiuolaikinis šokis, kūrybinės industrijos, festivali


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    „From borderline to borderland" LIMES: Cultural Regionalistics, 3(1), p. 87-10

    Kūrybingumo fenomenas kaip kompleksinio reiškinio evoliucija

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    Kūrybingumo problema keliama jau nuo antikos laikų. Etimologinė kūrybingumo samprata remiasi suvokimu, kad kūrybingumas yra asmens sugebėjimas atrasti nauja. Mokslas kūrybingumą aiškina kaip divergentinio mąstymo išdavą, neatsiejamą nuo originalumo, naujumo; jam nebūtinai taikoma tinkamumo sąlyga. Kūrybingumas dažniausiai siejamas su menais ir literatūra, tačiau nūdienos mokslas vis dažniau pripažįsta, kad kūrybingumas yra inovacijų ir išradimų esmė, todėl yra gyvybiškai svarbi tokioms sritims kaip verslas, ekonomika, architektūra, industrinis dizainas, grafinis dizainas, matematika, muzika, fizika,chemija, gamtos mokslai, inžinerija, edukologija. Kūrybos ekonomika grindžiama daugiau idėjų nei fiziniu kapitalu ir kuriama informacinių bei komunikacijos technologijų pagrindu. Naujasis informacinis turinys ir skaitmeninės technologijos atveria naujas erdves ir mažina kaštus. Kūrybos ekonomikos viena pagrindinių savybių – informacijos vartojimas kuriant nuosavą jos turinį. Kūrybos ekonomikos poveikis yra didžiausias ne per tradicines kūrybines industrijas, o per įgūdžių ir verslo modelių panaudojimą kuriant organizacijų vertę ir valdant intelektinį kapitalą. Organizacijos tampa vis labiau priklausomos nuo kūrybingumo, nes atsisakoma tradicinių fizinių žaliavų, o vis plačiau vartojamos neapčiuopiamos, intelektinės žaliavos

    Dualism of Social Conditions: Religion, Morality and Science

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    <p>The paper analyses the topic of social dualism through religion, morality and science. The paper refers to one of the most original works uncovering the social roots of religion – The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life by Emile Durkheim (1858–1917) who is considered to be the founder of modern sociology. The Elementary Forms of the Religious Life develops the coherent theory of religion as well as ventilates different aspects of the religious life. The message of the paper is: is religion the generative essence of social aspect, does a state of constant dependence stimulate a sense of religious piety, is a moral social order able to stabilize dualism of human energy. The paper proposes an assertion that science as a social phenomenon reflects knowledge and the values of its perception which are impacted by imagination and classified codes of cultural forms. As a result a thesis is proposed – a cultural (influenced by environment) and a personal (influenced by internal factors) desire for differentiation and its provoked conflict is of a social character. The second part of the paper deals with relation between science and social phenomena with inherent dualism. A short discussion is presented on L’ Année Sociologique (a group of scientists initiated by Durkheim) representing a new sociological paradigm, the beginning of scientific social culture giving sense to cooperation of sociological theory and practice.</p><p> </p

    Vilnius Gediminas Technical University undergraduate studies quality survey (2009)

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    In the year 2008 Vilnius Gediminas Technical University (VGTU) has initiated undergraduate studies quality survey. The intention of this idea – to conduct a survey among VGTU undergraduates and according to survey results to provide problematic study quality areas. It is more than ten years when Bologna Process lasts in Europe. The Process stimulates European Universities to make a deeper look at study quality which is one of the most actual present problems of both Lithuania and other European Union countries. Main goals of Bologna Process are: to create European Higher Education Area, provide Europe with a broad, high-quality and advanced knowledge base, and ensure the further development of Europe as a stable, peaceful and tolerant community. Following this concept VGTU which was top second university in Lithuania in the year 2010 traces to milestones held by Bologna Process. The article is based on survey conducted among VGTU undergraduates. The goal of the survey: to analyse problematical areas of undergraduate studies and professors. The aim of this article – to identify these problematical areas and provide with survey data and interpretation

    Motives for the Choice of Studies – Unique Study Programmes and Their Publication (the Survey of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University)

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    In the school year of 2009–2010 Vilnius Gediminas Technical University initiated the the survey of motives for studies at this university. The aim of the research is to conduct a survey among first year undergraduate students and find out motives for their choise to study at Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. Due to weaknesses of national science and studies system, devaluation of diplomas, outdated teaching methods, scien- tific research unproductivity and simulation, lack of attention to the student, ineffective study loans system, discrimination of private study institutions and their students, etc., a new Science and Study Law was initiated in 2009. Thus new challenges to the country, universities, and university communities arise. Future students are becoming more aware studying opportunities both within the country and abroad. Motives and choices of studies are determined by more complex approaches and levers. The article analyses a survey is based on responses of first year undergraduates of Vilnius Gediminas Technical University. The objective of the survey is to find out why and how students have chosen to study at this university. The purpose of the article is to identify these motives, provide analysis and assessment of survey data

    Creative industries: classification systems and models in the context of a creative economy of the 21st century

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    The article discusses a concept of creative industries, looks at its definition varying in different countries and presents a phenomenon of a creative economy. In the context of the creative economy of the 21st&nbsp;century, the paper deals with classification systems and models of creative industries. Theoretical principals are based on the UNCTAD analysis of the creative economy. Creative industries are based on the production cycles of creative content that applies to creativity and intellectual property which is knowledge based activities covering both tangible products and an intangible creation of intellectual or creative services. According to the UNCTAD classification system, four groups of creative industries, including heritage, arts, media, and functional production can be distinguished and subdivided into subgroups. Research on worldwide creative industries refers to four models: UK DCMS model, symbolic text model, concentric circle model and WIPO copyright model. While appealing to the above mentioned models, classification systems with the output of complex interdisciplinary research might be designed. Article in Lithuanian. Kūrybinės industrijos: klasifikavimo sistemos ir modeliai XXI a. kūrybos ekonomikos kontekste Santrauka.&nbsp;Straipsnyje nagrinėjama kūrybinių industrijų sąvoka, termino variacijos skirtingose šalyse, pristatomas kūrybos ekonomikos reiškinys, analizuojamos kūrybinių industrijų klasifikavimo sistemos ir modeliai XXI&nbsp;a. kūrybos ekonomikos kontekste. Remiamasi UNCTAD kūrybos ekonomikos analize. Kūrybinės industrijos grindžiamos kūrybinio turinio gamybos ciklais, kuriuose pasitelkiamas kūrybingumas ir intelektinis kapitalas; tai žiniomis paremta veikla, apimanti materialių produktų ir nematerialios intelektinės ar meninės paslaugos kūrimą. Pagal UNCTAD klasifikaciją skiriamos keturios kūrybinių industrijų grupės (paveldas, menai, medijos ir funkciniai kūriniai), kurios skaidomos į smulkesnius pogrupius. Pasaulyje kūrybinių industrijų tyrimuose remiamasi keturiais modeliais: UK DCMS, simbolinių tekstų, koncentrinių ratų, WIPO autorių teisių. Atsižvelgiant į išvardintus modelius, sudaromos prielaidos kūrybinių industrijų sričių klasifikacijai ir kompleksiniams tarpdalykiniams tyrimams. Raktiniai žodžiai: kūrybinės industrijos, kūrybos ekonomika, klasifikavimo sistemos, kūrybinių industrijų modeliai